If You Can Dream It, You Can Be It

With the conventions a thing of the past, and the debates before us, election season is in full swing. Nothing demonstrates America’s love of democracy and competition than the race for the White House. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you fall on, the presidential race is a fascinating reminder of American culture and our entrepreneurial spirit.

The ideology of “If you can dream it, you can be it” is something unique to the United States, particularly the latter part of the statement. It is the basis of who we are and a concept introduced to us almost from birth. Whether our ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower or if you are a first-generation American, being able to move fluidly through the social strata is the American dream.

While watching a documentary (on pizza, of all things), I noticed the biggest difference in opening up a pizzeria in the states rather than in Italy was that American shop owners could hang their signs anywhere they wanted. Competition was welcome and may the best pizza win. In Italy if a pizzeria was on a block, that was their block for generations and competition was not permitted. Many a millionaire was born bringing their dream and pizza to whatever block they chose here in the United States.

As we gear up for our industry’s biggest selling season of the year, the beloved fourth quarter, Promo Marketing continues to bring you the best in new and ingenious products to bring to your clients. From food gifts to business gifts and incentives, our September issue will prep you and give you a competitive edge when talking with your clients. The opportunity to succeed is right out there on every block of Main Street.

Whether you’ve dreamt of being President of the United States, the president of your own pizzeria, or the top reseller of promotional products, the ability to move through opportunities and career adventures is something unmatched by any nation and one we all should be grateful for.

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